Today the Rambling Badgers celebrate their third birthday. It was 2010 when 12 inexperienced walkers climbed Great Whernside and with it began the story of the Badgers. Over the last three years we have experienced many highs and a few lows but we wouldn’t change a thing. Here’s hoping the next three years are just as much fun!
Jan 05 2013
Caption Competition
The first of our monthly caption competitions will see one “lucky” winner receive… nothing but the honour of being the very first winner of our caption comp. All you need to do is take a look a the picture of Graham, and leave us a caption suggesting what he may be thinking. Good luck!
Jan 01 2013
Happy New Year
Thanks to everybody who read any of our drivel during 2012, we hope you continue to follow our exploits in 2013. 🙂
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