Apr 19 2014

Walk 81 – The Moors The Merrier

The Moors The Merrier

route: whorlton moor & arncliffe wood from cod beck reservoir
Date: 19th april 2014
distance: 14.3 miles
ascent: 2644 feet
time: 7 hrs
walkers: chris, dave, jane, karen, luis, marc, roger, ryan & simon

Today we would finally get some answers as to what to expect when 15 of us tackle the 40 mile Lyke Wake Walk in June. After the relatively relaxing walk yesterday I was sure today would be much tougher and a walk that would push me given the steep section yesterday, coupled with the fact I had carried Abigail, meant my legs were already a tad stiff before we started. With the little car park opposite the Lyke Wake stone full, we used the larger one a stone’s throw away to park up and get ready. Of the nine in attendance, all bar Ryan would be back in June to attempt to walk across the North Yorkshire Moors from this point to Ravenscar. Each of us was no doubt trying to learn a little bit about the route, especially as this would be the section we would cover in darkness. Read the rest of this entry »

Apr 18 2014

Fox & Hounds – West Witton

Fox & Hounds WWThe first walk of our Easter break started and finished at the Fox & Hounds in West Witton. Once changed we headed for the pub and chose to sit outside due to the lovely conditions. There were a few tables outside and as the pub wasn’t busy we bagged the biggest one and relaxed. With our seats secure I headed inside to purchase a few beverages which were certainly well-earned on this particular day. Read the rest of this entry »

Apr 18 2014

Walk 80 – Up Hill, Down Dale

Up Hill Down Dale

route: penhill from west witton
Date: 18th april 2014
distance: 5.3 miles
ascent: 1177 feet
time: 3 hrs 40 mins
walkers: abigail, darren, dave, helen, karen, leanne, sandra & simon

Our annual Easter walking weekend had crept up on me to the point I found myself needing to do some last minute preparation in order to be ready in time. In reality this just meant digging out my boots, buying enough lager to last me the weekend and making sure I had the ingredients for Sunday nights tea. With those all ticked off we jumped in the car for a leisurely drive through the Dales to our start point at West Witton. We arrived to find Beaky and Sandra were already parked up waiting. We exchanged pleasantries and began to slowly get ready before being joined by Karen shortly afterwards and finally Darren and Helen. Read the rest of this entry »

Apr 05 2014

Ladybower Inn – Bamford

Ladybower InnWith a very enjoyable stroll to Back Tor completed we returned to the Ladybower Inn for our post walk pint. As the others tried to get dried off and change (in the rain) I wandered across the road to see the pubs policy on muddy walkers etc. Good news, I couldn’t see anything about walkers not being welcome. Bad news, no dogs except guide dogs. This did threaten to disrupt our usual routine and we discussed driving home and calling at the next pub we found, but there was no guarantee they would accept dogs so it seemed like a big risk. In the end Ramblo offered, very generously, to wait in the car with Izzy as the rest of us nipped in for a quick pint. I offered to buy her a takeout but she politely declined and after I had flashed my stripy boxers shorts as I changed into dry shorts (much to Graham’s amusement) we headed for a beer. Read the rest of this entry »

Apr 05 2014

Walk 79 – Back Tor Basics

Back Tor Basics

route: back tor from ladybower inn
Date: 5th april 2014
distance: 10.5 miles
ascent: 1591 feet
time: 5 hrs
walkers: dave, graham, martyn, sandra & simon

What a difference a week often makes. Last week we had glorious conditions whereas today we were going to get wet, it was just a matter of when! Not that the thought of rain dampened the spirits of those in attendance, and we were changed and ready for the off in under five minutes. Read the rest of this entry »