We had two choice of pub to frequent after our walk from Birchover, but as we had parked in the car park of the Druid Inn we felt it only fair they have our custom. It was a nice spring day and the temperature which felt warm when in the sun and a little cool when in the shade. We wanted a table outside and we were lucky enough to find one of the three table in view available, which was fortunate as inside there was no room at the Inn.
Mar 29 2014
Druid Inn – Birchover
Mar 29 2014
Walk 78 – Over The Hills
route: blakelow hill, oaker hill & moor plantations/stanton moor from birchover
Date: 29th march 2014
distance: 10.0 miles
ascent: 1811 feet
time: 5 hrs 30 mins
walkers: dave, jane, sandra & simon
My thoughts as we arrived in Birchover were that this was going to be a tough day for me personally. A trip to A&E the previous evening resulted in only 3 hours sleep, which meant I was tired before we even got out of the car. Always one to look on the bright side I saw this as ideal training for our Lyke Wake Walk attempt in June, when night walking would mean we get no sleep at all. The other three in attendance were full of beans and it was clear today wouldn’t be lacking laughs.
Mar 15 2014
The Royal Hotel – Hayfield
After a fantastic walk to Mill Hill, Harry Hut and Lantern Pike we returned to the Royal Hotel for our usual post walk beverage. Upon entering it was obvious it was a popular place with virtually all of the seats taken it looked like we would be stood at the bar (not such a bad thing) 🙂 As we ordered our drinks we could hear the TV on in the very aptly named Ramblers Bar, old boots tied over the roof beams and maps of the local area on the walls. It wasn’t until this point that I realised the relevance of Hayfield in the history of rambling. It was from here that the mass Kinder trespass began in 1932 and followed the same route we had earlier in the day up William Clough.
Mar 15 2014
Walk 77 – Harry Up!
route: mill hill, harry hut & lantern pike from hayfield
Date: 15th march 2014
distance: 10.1 miles
ascent: 2040 feet
time: 5 hrs 10 mins
walkers: charlie, chris, christopher, dave, graham, karen, martyn, sandra & simon
I was pretty sure that today was going to remind me very much of the good old days of 2010. Back then we walked for hours, climbed thousands of feet and returned tired but in a good way. Since then other circumstances have dictated that walks have been closer to home or shorter in distance, but for the next few months at least, we were going big! (Or at least big for our family walks)
Mar 01 2014
Walk 76 – Calved On Stone
route: ox stones from bents green
Date: 1st march 2014
distance: 7.9 miles
ascent: 1197 feet
time: 3 hrs 30 mins
walkers: abigail, chris, claire, dave, graham, jane, jill, leanne, marc, sandra, simon & steph
Two weeks earlier, the weather had been so bad that only three Badgers braved our walk from High Bradfield. Fast forward two weeks, the weather was set fair and the numbers were back up with 12 in attendance. Claire and Jill joined us for the first (and hopefully not only) time, Steph was trying out a walk in a National Park for the first time after a couple of sections of the Leeds Country Way. Those three, plus many of the familiar faces made up the team for this walk, a walk that had been extended due to our desire (maybe not the girls) to start/finish at a pub with Sky Sports. It was just before 8.30am when we met in the car park and readied ourselves for the off before using the slope outside the pub to line up in reverse height order… although some people clearly think they are taller than they are 🙂
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